Your Feedback

As you have reflected on our Baptismal Covenant, taken time in prayer and study, and engaged in the three simple conversations introduced in this guide, God’s Holy Spirit may have led you to see ways in which the people of the Diocese of East Carolina could more fully live into the faith and promises of our Baptismal Covenant. As the members of our Diocese’s Executive Council discern mission priorities for our common life, we would love to hear what God’s Holy Spirit may have revealed to you!

Please offer your feedback by following the link (below) to a Google Form which you can use to share your responses to two prompts:

  1. Please share one “big idea” that you believe God might be calling our Diocese to embrace as a priority for our life and mission together in the coming years. This might be something “new” or it might a “new or different” way of engaging in an area of mission that been a priority for some time.
  2. Please offer your general feedback about our Diocese’s current mission priorities, as you understand them.

Your feedback will be welcomed through Friday, May 21 and will be considered by our Executive Council at its June meeting and then in the months to follow. As mission priorities are established, they will be shared publicly across the Diocese.