Policies for Safe Church, Safe Communities

The Episcopal Church has always strived to be a safe place for all to gather, to learn, and to worship. To that end, for decades we have had programs in place to set standards and provide education for protecting the vulnerable among us. As with all things, these programs must be reviewed and improved periodically. General Convention in 2015 called for this review, the result of which is a set of Model Policies to be enacted church wide.
These new policies replace outdated policies from the early 2000’s. These newer policies call for a higher level of accountability in our ministries, parishes, and in the diocese. With them, we will be protecting a greater range of people including both children and adults to keep those who are most vulnerable safe from harm.
Guarding them is work and requires attention to detail. An increase in accountability, by necessity brings additional responsibility to maintain accurate and timely records as well as to implement and follow the policies and procedures. We should remember that we are not being penalized for what has been done in the past, we simply seek improvement.
While implementation may at first feel complicated and onerous, by our Baptismal Covenant we are called to strive for justice and peace. In this case that means to strive to improve our protection of the vulnerable from “good” to better – even to best practices. Please bear in mind, no one is alone in this, support can be found at Diocesan house as we navigate these new and updated policies.
On this page you will find the Policies that were reviewed, adapted for use in our diocese, and approved by Executive Council. Information about how to implement these in your parish and the new policies and procedures on background checks were mailed and emailed to parishes and diocesan organizations in late October 2021.
All available Safe Church, Safe Communities Training Modules are in Praesidium Academy. Please reference the chart found HERE regarding which course requirements for particular staff and volunteer positions. Letter templates will be available soon.
Diocese of East Carolina’s Policies for Safe Church, Safe Communities – Children & Youth
Diocese of East Carolina’s Policies for Safe Church, Safe Communities – Vulnerable Adults
A Collect for Safe Church, Safe Communities
Holy Creator, we offer our gratitude for the opportunity to live in community, where we can take comfort in others and be nurtured when needy, fed when hungry, and protected when threatened. Guide us as we strive to protect those in our midst who are most vulnerable and innocent, respecting the dignity of all humans, so we can more fully and appropriately love our neighbors and ourselves. Help us to be examples in the world in the likeness of your son Jesus, who spoke truth to power, gave hope to the hopeless, and loved selflessly. We humbly ask for all of this through the gift of your Holy Spirit. Amen.
Video from the Safe Church Office of The Episcopal Church
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What kind of training and background checks do volunteers need?
A. Using the Charts provided included in the updated Policies for Safe Church, Safe Communities
OCTOBER 2023 – Updated Chart for Safe Church, Safe Communities Course Requirements
OCTOBER 2023 – Update Chart for Safe Church, Safe Communities Background Check Requirements
Q: I am an administrator for Safeguarding in my parish or organization. How do I access the new Praesidium Academy?
A: In early January when all of the modules are up and running, some orientation session will be offered to help administrators learn to use the new system. Please use the link below to register.
Q: I have a question about the Policies, Background Checks or Safe Church, Safe Communities that I cannot find the answer in the information provided on this page.
A: Please email LaTonya Smith, Director for Finance and Administration for questions regarding: Background Checks. Please email Emily Gowdy Canady, Missioner for Lifelong Christian Formation for questions regarding: Praesidium Academy Course Requirements and Administration.