Diocesan Committees, Commissions, & Ministries
All major decisions affecting the life of the Episcopal Church are made jointly by lay people, clergy, and bishops.
Diocesan committees, commissions, and ministries manage the business of the diocese, provide advice and support to the bishop, provide support and resourcing to parishes, and provide opportunities for individuals to engage in the collective ministries of the diocese.
- Racial Healing Commission
- Chaplain to Retired Clergy
- Commission on Ministry
- Disaster Relief, Recovery, & Preparedness
- Historically Black Congregations
- Liturgical Commission
- Spanish Language Ministry
Governance & Administration
- Disciplinary Board
- Episcopal Farmworker Ministry Board
- Executive Council
- The Foundation of the Diocese of East Carolina
- Standing Committee
- Trinity Center Board of Managers
- Trustees of the Diocese
- University of the South Trustees
Committees of Convention