Our Mission Priorities

We are the Diocese of East Carolina, children of God, called to follow Jesus and to continue in the ways of The Episcopal Church.

God blesses us in the beauty and bounty of the land where we live and through the diversity of the people with whom we share life.

As Church, we are called to be good stewards of all of God’s gifts, and to use them to restore all people to unity with God and each other in Christ.

We have discerned that God’s Holy Spirit is calling us to:

Support each of our worshiping communities to identify and equip lay and clergy leadership who will engage them in more fully living into the promises of our Baptismal Covenant

Develop and host collaborative opportunities for life-long formation for faith and ministry for all the baptized, to be offered in person and online across the diocese

Encourage every congregation to strengthen or build local networks with ecumenical, interfaith, and other community partners for the purpose of serving the needs of the most vulnerable in their midst

Advocate for justice and peace for all of God’s children, working together to remove obstacles that prevent equitable access to resources, while building bridges that work to reconcile and heal the divides between us