Worshipping Communities
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Link to Episcopal Asset Map: Diocese of East Carolina

Deaneries in the Diocese
The Diocese of East Carolina consists of 67 parishes and three college campus ministries and covers the area from I-95 to the coast in the state of North Carolina. This Diocese serves several military bases, a large Latino community, and parishes of all sizes. We are divided into 5 deaneries. See the specific deanery pages to contact their individual worshipping communities.
Albemarle Deanery
On this page, you will find the churches who are part of the Albemarle Deanery. The icons below each church include an ‘i’ that you click for more details, a …
Pamlico Deanery
On this page, you will find the churches who are part of the Pamlico Deanery. The icons below each church include an ‘i’ that you click for more details, a …
Trinity Deanery
On this page, you will find the churches who are part of the Trinity Deanery. The icons below each church include an ‘i’ that you click for more details, a …
Upper Cape Fear Deanery
On this page, you will find the churches who are part of the Upper Cape Fear Deanery. The icons below each church include an ‘i’ that you click for more …
Lower Cape Fear Deanery
On this page, you will find the churches who are part of the Lower Cape Fear Deanery. The icons below each church include an ‘i’ that you click for more …