L.A.T.I.N.O. Levels of Engagement
As a parish discerns and plans a path forward in mission that includes Latinos/Hispanics, the following levels are measures established for L.A.T.I.N.O. to guide and gauge progress. Since not all churches are in areas with Hispanics, they may not reach the highest level. Still, the principle behind each level is the idea that churches should be moving toward doing Godâs mission as a reflection of the communities they serve. As you proceed through L.A.T.I.N.O., focus on the steps, and the levels will take care of themselves.
Levels of Engagement
Level 1: The primary level of engagement with the Latino/Hispanic community occurs through community engagement programs that may include Latinos.
Level 2: The second level involves Spanish-Language support in an English language service, along with general sacramental support, baptisms, and confirmations.
Level 3: The third level is incorporating culturally-specific liturgies, such as “Presentaciones” and “Quinceañeras” for the Latino Community.
Level 4: The fourth level of engagement is the incorporation of Latino/Hispanic leaders in the Parish leadership at a level commensurate to their number of parish members (e.g., the leadership reflects the membership).
Level 5: The fifth level of engagement is incorporating Latino cultural practices into the church’s life for all members to create an enriched multi-cultural parish of which Latino/Hispanics are an integral part.