Background and Process: Discerning Mission Priorities

How we got here and what we have done so far:

Some time ago, the Executive Council and Finance Committees of the Diocese expressed shaping our decision making regarding the best use of the resources God given us by tying them to the mission priorities of the diocese. This called for an examination process to discern just how we are feeling called by God at this time.

The discernment process was launched with Journey Through East Carolina in November 2020. Together we committed to certain spiritual disciplines – to MOVE, STUDY, PRAY, & GIVE. Then, in the season of Easter 2021, together we studied and prayed about how to live more fully into our Baptismal Covenant, and we invited input from both individuals and congregations regarding Mission Priorities for our Diocese. In June 2021, at the Executive Council retreat, the abundant input was considered and prioritized. After further distillation, the first draft of proposed Mission Priorities was reviewed by the Executive Council in October and then by the clergy of the diocese at their October conference.

Now they are being shared with you – the whole of the Diocese – for additional reflection and feedback. The hope is the development of a final draft of proposed Diocesan Mission Priorities, to be presented to Executive Council in January, for adoption at Diocesan Convention in February 2022.

You are invited to pray about and reflect on the statement of who we are, why we are called and to what we are called, the four proposed Mission Priorities. You are invited to watch and share the presentation videos and to use them to spur conversation. In particular, you are invited to prayerfully consider the ways the mission priorities capture your imagination. What questions or concerns are raised for you by the mission priorities? And what suggestions you might have for how the mission priorities could be better stated?