Adult Curriculum Resources
Lesson Plans that Work: Year B Pentecost
This Intergenerational or all ages lesson plan for Pentecost from The Episcopal Church’s Lesson Plans that Work is drawn from the Acts 2:1-21 reading. It is well balanced in that …
Bible Study Ideas for the Easter Season and Pentecost
Jodi Belcher, Lead Editor for Building Faith shares this post: Bible Study Ideas for the Easter Season and Pentecost which includes ten ideas for Adult Bible Studies during Eastertide. Each …
Illustrated Ministry: Storytelling with Shapes
Storytelling with Shapes is a new offering from Illustrated Ministry. Combining both the colorful aspects of their usual offerings, Storytelling with Shapes, uses colorful puzzles to invite participants to tell …
Centered: A Christian Discipleship Experience
Announced at General Convention in July of 2022 Centered: A Christian Discipleship Experience follows the Way of Love from the Department of Evangelism of The Episcopal Church. Centered is a …
God’s World in Community: Tell Your Story
From GenOn Ministries, God’s World in Community: Tell Your Story is an intergenerational program rooted in the Bible stories and personal story-telling as a connection to each other and to …
Mini Revolutions Curriculum by Illustrated Ministry
Mini Revolutions Curriculum was developed with the ever evolving landscape of Christian Formation opportunities in parishes. Using the Revised Common Lectionary, Mini Revolutions is designed to be intergenerational. It can …
The Anatomy of a Christian: A Zine on Privilege and Solidarity
The SALT project has put together this “zine” (you can read more abut what that is in the link) to engage families, friends, neighbors and communities in the work of …
40 Days with the Holy Spirit: Fresh Air for Every Day
40 Days with the Holy Spirit: Fresh Air for Every Day by Jack Levison is an interactive devotional and spiritual development book for adults. This is an excellent resource for …
Introducing Lent: Class for Adults
Introducing Lent is a class from ChurchNext and taught in sessions by Maggi Dawn author of Giving it Up a book of daily Bible readings for Lent. Course Summary: Lent …
Holy Lent – Adult Christian Formation Series
Observing a Holy Lent is part of the Episcopal Church’s tradition and keeping the liturgical calendar each year. What does it really mean to observe a Holy Lent? Lent is …
Curriculum Charts & Recommendations
Often parishes use this time to evaluate curriculums they have used in the past and determine whether or not to change things for the upcoming year. I would say this …