Illustrated Ministry: Storytelling with Shapes

Storytelling with Shapes is a new offering from Illustrated Ministry. Combining both the colorful aspects of their usual offerings, Storytelling with Shapes, uses colorful puzzles to invite participants to tell the story. Story Telling with Shapes is available for Holy Week (5 mini lessons) and Easter and provides a tactile way from children, youth, and adults to engage these core stories of our faith in a new way. The shapes (tans) put together create larger shapes (tangrams) that tell the story.
From the creators at Illustrated Ministry,We hope this new way of telling, hearing, and shaping these Holy Week stories will allow for a deeper understanding of the events of Holy Week as we piece together how they fit into our lives today.
Available for purchase download on a graduated scale, each set contains one PDF that includes both the Story & Shape activity and the Storytelling Cards activity.