EYE: Episcopal Youth Event
The Episcopal Youth Event (EYE) is a unique event in many ways. Gathering high school young people from parishes and dioceses across this country and beyond, EYE offers shared experiences of worship, fun, and fellowship.Since this event is held only once every three years, most high school aged young people will only have one chance to attend.
A different diocese hosts each EYE at on a college or university campus as it allows enough space for the size of the event. Gathering from far and wide, 1,300+ Episcopal young people and their adult leaders will pray, play, and learn together.Until you have seen it first-hand, the sight of over a thousand young people and adult leaders in one place is unimaginable.The enthusiasm of the young people in attendance is infectious, equaled only by the compelling commitment to their faith; showing the vitality of The Episcopal Church both now and in the future.
Each EYE has a theme developed and executed by a team of high school aged young people from around the Episcopal Church, supported by adult mentors. Themes in the past have focused on mission, peace and community. At EYE youth and adults alike learn from other dioceses and the planning team important ideas, activities and things they can bring back to share with our diocese.
Participants come away from EYE with more than memories, although those will last a lifetime. Through new friends and the community gathered participants gain a greater understanding of their personal connection to a broader Christian Community.Young people are exposed to creative music, programs, and activities showing the wide and diverse landscape of people who make up the Episcopal Church.Discovering that differences in music, worship style, or beliefs are not dividers, but rather unifiers in Christ is empowering.