Prayer Books and Potables

In this post on Building Faith, the Rev’d Anne Lane Witt shares how she combined a desire to teach more about the Book of Common Prayer Book to her parishioners while also sharing it more with the broader community. Her idea became a reality when Immanuel Episcopal Church in Mechanicsville, Virginia launched Prayer Books and Potables. Designed for Adults, another reason for being in a public setting was to be more inclusive of adults who wanted to learn more about The Episcopal Church, but who were hesitant to come to the church for a class.

This post is an excellent guide for other parishes interested in designing Adult Formation in a similar format. Included in the post are the 5 key components for making an offering like this a success. This format is also easily modified into a “Lunch & Learn” style offering as well. A myriad of topics could be offered for either a year long series or seasonally like for Lent or Eastertide.