Moravian Daily Texts

Moravian Daily Texts are believed to be one of the oldest daily devotions recorded. Beginning sometime in the 1730’s this offering and practice has evolved over time. From in person daily devotions, to printed to versions, to daily emails, daily texts, and now an app, Moravian Daily Texts have always followed the same simple format. That format being an Old Testament reading (from the Moravian Revised Common Lectionary), Watchword for the day, hymn verses, New Testament reading, and a prayer. Designed to be used at the beginning of each day, the Watchword is meant to accompany you throughout the day.
Books and journals can be ordered directly from the Moravian Church. To sign up for texts you can go HERE as well as find the link to the app. This resource is suitable for young people and adults.
In 2009 the General Convention of The Episcopal Church approved “Finding Our Delight in the Lord,” a proposal for full communion between the two churches.