June 2023: Significant News from Diocesan House

June 29, 2023
Dear Friends in Christ,
As I write to you, I have entered the first week of my sabbatical time. I remain grateful for the opportunity to have this time away from normal work routines, and I look forward to sharing something of my sabbatical experience on my return.
Today, I write to you to share a piece of significant news. The Rev. Canon Mollie Roberts has reached the conclusion that God is leading her to return to congregational life and ministry. While I am disappointed to learn that she will be leaving our Diocesan House staff, I am grateful for all that she has offered us during these last years. Mollie began work in East Carolina in May of 2020, just as we were settling into pandemic protocols. What a tough time to begin her new position! She has worked hard to support clergy and lay leadership across the diocese, while also supporting our leaders of Diocesan Life ministries. With LaTonya Smith, Mollie has also shared in the leadership of our Diocesan House staff. We will miss Mollie’s presence in our midst.
As Canon Roberts engages in discernment with congregations searching for their next priest, she will continue with her usual responsibilities in the Diocese. When the time comes that she can share the news of her call by a congregation, we will pass along that information to you. Please hold Mollie in your prayers, inviting God’s Spirit to lead her in the choices she will face in the weeks to come.
Later this week, or else soon after July 4th celebrations, we will be posting the news that we are seeking applications from individuals who might be called to serve in this key Diocesan role. Watch for this position to be posted and pass it along to any whom you believe that God might be calling. It is my hope that there will not be a significant gap between Mollie’s departure and the arrival of her successor.
May God’s presence and blessing be with you in whatever ways you may be marking these summer months.
Peace and blessings,