Elections at our 140th Convention
On this page, you find all of the newly-elected members of diocesan positions listed below.
Commission on Ministry
- The Revâd Anne Abdy (Holy Cross, Wilmington)
- The Revâd Copeland Johnston (St. Thomas, Bath)
- Ms. Hannah Hutchens (St. Paulâs, Greenville)
- Deacon Mary Mac Shields (St. Josephâs, Fayetteville)
Committee on Constitutions and Canons
- The Revâd Stephen Batten (Trinity, Chocowinity)
- The Revâd Andrew Cannan (St. Paulâs, Greenville)
- Canon Mollie Roberts (Canon for Diocesan Life & Leadership)
- Mr. Keith Calder (St. Paulâs, Wilmington)
- Mrs. Mary Duane Hale (St. Paulâs, Beaufort)
- Mr. Fred Klinck (St. Johnâs, Fayetteville)
Deans of the Diocese
- Clergy: The Revâd Daniel Cenci (Christ Church, Elizabeth City)
- Lay: Mrs. Cynthia Harding (St. Paulâs, Edenton)
- Clergy: The Rev’d John Porter-Acee, St. Timothy’s, Greenville
- Lay: Ms. Ginger Powell (Trinity, Chocowinity)
- Clergy: The Revâd Tammy Lee (St. Paulâs, Beaufort)
- Lay: Ms. Jo Parrott (St. Mary’s, Kinston)
Lower Cape Fear
- Clergy: The Revâd Jody Greenwood (Church of the Servant, Wilmington)
- Lay: Lisa Richey (Grace, Whiteville)
Upper Cape Fear
- Clergy: The Revâd Robert Alves (St. Johnâs, Fayetteville) & The Revâd Nan Cekuta (Holy Trinity, Fayetteville)
- Lay: Ms. Patsy Cabrera (La Iglesia de la Sagrada Familia, Newton Grove)
Deputies to General Convention
- The Revâd Paul Canady (Christ Church, New Bern)
- The Revâd Canon Mollie Roberts (Canon for Diocesan Life & Leadership)
- The Revâd Tammy Lee (St. Paulâs, Beaufort)
- The Revâd Robert M. Alves (St. Johnâs, Fayetteville)
- Ms. Tess Judge (All Saints, Southern Shores)
- Ms. Hannah Hutchens (St. Paul’s, Greenville)
- Ms. Joan Geiszler-Ludlum (Church of the Servant, Wilmington)
- Mr. Tom Tully (St. James, Wilmington)
Alternate Deputies to General Convention
- The Revâd Caleb Lee (St. Paulâs, Wilmington)
- The Revâd Richard G Elliott (St. Andrewâs on the Sound, Wilmington)
- The Revâd Anne Abdy (Holy Cross, Wilmington)
- Ms. Barbara Crumbacker (St. Mary’s, Kinston)
- Ms. Karen Phillips Smith (St. Paul’s, Wilmington)
Diocesan Convention Committee
- The Revâd Eric Moulton (St. Johnâs Wilmington)
- The Revâd Leslie Roraback (St. Andrewâs on the Sound, Wilmington)
- The Revâd Whit Stroud (St. Francis, Goldsboro & Holy Innocents, Seven Springs)
- Ms. Meg Jones (Christ Church, New Bern)
- Ms. Jo Parrott (St. Maryâs, Kinston)
- Ms. Kimber Roche (St. Paulâs, Greenville)
- Ms. Judy Whichard (St. Paulâs, Greenville)
Disciplinary Board
- The Revâd Anne Abdy (Holy Cross, Wilmington)
- The Revâd Whit Stroud (St. Francis, Goldsboro & Holy Innocents, Seven Springs)
- Deacon Lisa Kirby (Christ Church, New Bern)
- Ms. Vera Guarino (St. Paulâs in-the-Pines, Fayetteville)
Executive Council
- Mr. Robert Adams (St. Paulâs, Edenton)
- Mr. Stephen Clayton (Christ Church, New Bern)
- Mrs. Barbara Crumbacker (St. Maryâs, Kinston)
- The Revâd Tammy Lee (St. Paulâs, Beaufort)
- The Revâd Nathan Finnin (St. Andrewâs By the Sea, Nags Head)
- The Revâd Cheryl Brainard (St. James, Wilmington)
- Ms. Ginger Powell (Trinity, Chocowinity)
- Mrs. Terah Archie (St. Maryâs, Kinston)
- Mr. John Rozier (Trinity, Lumberton)
Finance Committee
- The Revâd Robert Beauchamp (Holy Trinity, Hertford)
- The Revâd Bruce Cheney (St. Thomas, Oriental)
- The Revâd Tammy Lee (St. Paulâs, Beaufort)
- The Revâd Alan Neal (Zion, Washington)
- The Revâd Gray Hodsdon (St. James, Wilmington)
- Ms. Vikki Gehring Clark (St. Josephâs, Fayetteville)
- Mr. Brian Jowers (St. Paulâs, Greenville)
- Mr. Tommy Sutton (St. Andrewâs, Morehead City)
- Mr. Steve Thomas (St. James, Wilmington)
- Ms. Judy Whichard (St. Paulâs, Greenville)
- Mr. Bill Webb (Church of the Advent, Williamston)
Foundation of the Diocese of East Carolina
- Mr. Tyrone Francis (St. Josephâs, Fayetteville)
- Ms. Dencie Lambdin (Trinity, Lumberton)
Officers of Convention
- Chancellor: Ms. Joan Geiszler-Ludlum (Church of the Servant, Wilmington)
- Secretary of Convention: Ms. Shurley Ray Weddle (St. Paul’s, Clinton)
- Treasurer: Ms. Tess Judge (All Saints, Southern Shores)
Nominations Committee
- The Revâd Daniel Cenci (Albemarle; Christ Church, Elizabeth City)
- The Revâd Rhonda Thomas (Lower Cape Fear; Church of the Servant, Wilmington)
- Ms. Sara Davis (Albemarle; St. Thomas, Ahoskie)
- Ms. Rachel Pace(Lower Cape Fear; St. James, Wilmington)
- Ms. Connie Widney (Pamlico; St. Timothyâs, Greenville)
Standing Committee
- The Rev’d Caleb Lee
- Ms. Vera Guarino (St. Paulâs in-the-Pines, Fayetteville)
Trinity Center Board of Managers
- Ms. Kathleen Rice (Christ Church, New Bern)
- Mr. Terry Smith (St. Francis by the Sea, Pine Knoll Shores)
- Ms. Judy Whichard (St. Paulâs, Greenville)
- Ms. Adrian Wood (St. Paulâs, Edenton)
Trustees of the Diocese
- The Revâd John Pollock (St. Andrewâs, Morehead City)
- Ms. Karen Wahab (St. James, Belhaven)
Trustee to the University of the South
- The Rev’d Ashley Simpson (St. Paul’s, Beaufort)