Deans Presentation at the 141st Convention (2024)

141st Convention of the Diocese of East Carolina (2024)
141st Convention of the Diocese of East Carolina (2024)
Deans Presentation at the 141st Convention (2024)

The deans of the diocese were invited to speak on their ministry and the relationships they have been forming and strengthening throughout the diocese as we seek to sing a new song in a strange land. They referenced the new way of communicating with the bishop and the increasing support for their leadership in the diocese formed in the wake of a tropical storm during Bishop Skirving’s sabbatical and the cancelled revival event. The deans spoke of their excitement for the work of moving forward and working together, because of the ways in which they recognize this way of working will need to be different than previous patterns. The question is: What will faithful acts of vocation as people of faith look like as we work together, not just as diocese, but also in deaneries? The power of ministry lays in the laity, the deans affirmed, and storytelling of the Spirit at work in unique ways were shared. Finally, the deans shared that they are working as deans and as diocese to figure out ways to listen and to discern.